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Steve Irwin's Personality and Communication Style

Otherwise known as the crocodile hunter, he became the figure of reptiles and especially Australia. He wrestled vicious animals like they were harmless creatures. He'd pick up many dangerous animals and treat them like little babies!




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Steve Irwin's Personality and Communication Style

It's been broadcasted all over the world. It was said to have be one of the most universally known sad events that doesn't involve an act of terrorism.

Steve Irwin's death.

Otherwise known as the crocodile hunter, he became the figure of reptiles and especially Australia. He wrestled vicious animals like they were harmless creatures. He'd pick up many dangerous animals and treat them like little babies!

Why do you think Steve had so many people who not only knew about him, but loved him?

Being Australian, I know he's done a great deal for this country. But it was his charismatic personality and communication style that made him so widely loved by many people drawing their attention and attracting a lot of media attention.

It wasn't his job of wrestling crocs that made people like him. There are a tonne of other animal wrestlers out there that put their bodies on the line that people don't know of and even hate.

It was his personality and the way he communicated himself that made him so widely loved.

This begs me to ask you, what following do you have? Do you have people that love you because of what you do or who you are? Are they attracted to you and are proud to know you? Are they a better person because they know you?

This is what developing your communication and self is also about. You are developing the many areas within yourself for not only your own good, but for the good of others.

When you improve yourself and especially improve your communication, you begin to attract people and more favorable emotions out of people you already know. These emotions people experience go beyond feeling more attracted to you (attraction includes every person and thing that is drawn towards you), they inspire the person.

The person feels better about him/herself. They desire to follow in your foot steps and learn the skills you have learnt and this of course leads to amazing paths. These people reach new personal development ground otherwise untouchable if not for your influence.

Look at the wide outreach and influence Steve had on people. A lot of people became happier, they become less fearful of "dangerous" animals, and I'm sure quite a few would have tried to replicate Steve's life-filled personality.

The opposite is also true. If you are unhappy, frequently fight with people, and in general have poor communication skills, then you'll encourage bad behavior in others. They will begin to follow your bad communication skills such as conflict, poor listening, and other communication areas will suffer leading to poor relationships and unhappiness.

That's what I want you to realize today. Improving yourself goes beyond the self-centered benefits. By effectively communicating you inspire others to grow themselves. They see the positive effects it has on your life and desire to follow in your footsteps.

Thanks Steve for being such an inspiration!

Source: Free Articles

About the Author
Joshua Uebergang writes a newsletter on how to communicate effectively which you can now sign up for directly at http://www.earthlingcommunication.com/newsletter-signup. If you're after more inspiration, check out his inspirational section at http://www.earthlingcommunication.com/inspiration.php


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